Welcome to the iCentre
In 2010 our Library undertook an extensive refurbishment and transformation into an innovative and flexible learning space for learning and teaching and was renamed the iCentre.
Along with it being an exciting and engaging teaching space, it is also a place where many students come to in their lunch break to escape the playground and find a quiet corner to relax in. Students are invited to play games and activities, read books or access the internet using the Computer Lab or iPads.
The iCentre is home to a large collection of resources which aim to support the curriculum as well as the recreational needs of our students.
The school has the expertise of a Teacher-Librarian and ICT Coach who co-ordinates all facets of the Library through sourcing and sharing books and stories and providing lessons in research and ICT skills. These lessons are planned with the assistance of our Heads of Curriculum and class teachers so that units of work are integrated between classroom and the Library.
All students are encouraged to borrow regularly. This is achieved through a weekly class borrowing time which is scheduled into their timetable.
Students from Prep – Year 2 must have a Library bag to borrow. Borrowing limits depend on the student’s year level.
Prep – Year 4 students may borrow 1 book for a period of 1 week. Year 5 and 6 students are able to borrow up to 2 books.
Resources that are lost or damaged must be paid for or replaced.
Library catalogue – Orbit
By using our Library Database, OLIVER, all students have 24/7 access to Orbit, our Library catalogue and our Library News.
Book Club / Book Week / Book Fair
Scholastic Book Club is offered at regular intervals throughout the year and enables students and parents to order books at reasonable prices through the iCentre. This is organized by our Teacher-Librarian and participation is optional.
Book Week celebrations are a highlight of Term 3 and often include Book Character Dress-Up Parades, Book Fairs and activities related to the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Shortlisted books.